interests at stake
- 面临危机的利益

We have no significant strategic interests at stake in Libya .
We see incredible security interests at stake in the region , whether it is nonproliferation or maritime security .
Media coverage is saturated with ever more strident rhetoric over ever narrower issues , overshadowing the fundamental interests at stake .
Establishment of company registration system , the company will present the company representative registration elements of modernism to antagonisms , the effective protection of corporate interests at stake .
While for Russia , Transcaucasia is the traditional sphere of influence and strategic interests at stake region , which is the natural barrier to keep security and stability .
We do not blame the Israelis for not wanting to reward terror , but there are larger principles and interests at stake here .
Facing a vacuum , member states have turned to the European Council or bilateral summits between France and Germany , who both have strong vested interests at stake .
Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States , with so many critical American interests at stake , has been an immense and rewarding challenge .
And there 's a rumor that your interests were at stake .
Women 's abilities to make fair decisions when competing interests are at stake make them better corporate leaders , researchers have found .
He acted immorally when his own interests were at stake .
Though the fight is presented in terms of democratic high principle , venom has been introduced because naked interests are at stake .
It has won most influence in countries where Western governments were conspicuous by their absence , and where few important strategic interests are at stake .
We also agree we must find ways to manage our differences with Russia where they persist and stand firm where our principles or our vital interests are at stake .